# Version 2.4

This release mostly focuses on fixing multiplayer/server issues that's been around for a while, but that people don't report!


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Server Side Config not syncing with the client
  • Added %maxplayers% to all versions and not just 1.12.2
  • Re-added %motd% on fabric that for some reason was never included
  • Fixed known public servers not being detected by the mod
  • Fixed blank values not being ignored by the server


  • Changed %players% to include ALL players on the server
  • Internally limited Button Labels to 32 characters, as per discord limit


For Forge 1.17.x:

  • Fixed Multiplayer being detected as single player
  • Fixed "server incompatible" error caused by not having the mod on your server
  • Now requires minimum Forge 37.0.59