# Important Announcement

Alright, it's no secret anymore, but for those that don't know, later this year, I will be a dad. Yay, exciting.

Now obviously, having a baby in the house changes a lot of things about your lifestyle, and mine is no different, so that's why I have to make this announcement.

# The future of my mods

In September 2022, I will officially be stepping back from ANY development. Be it my mods, discord bots or anything else I do, until such time that I can spend time on it again.

While stepping back, I am slowly getting people up to speed to continue the development of my mods during my absence. This may not always include new features, but atleast bug fixes and porting.

Currently, there is one volunteer (or staff member) who have agreed to continue two of my mods.

Staff member Misha, will be continuing development of Simple RPC and Hyper Lighting.

My other mods are open-source and anyone is free to contribute to them via Github PR's.

# So can I have your mods?

Short answer, NO.

Long answer: No, I am not passing the projects, curse pages or code on to anyone, and if I do, it will be with the agreement that I take back control when I am fully back to development. They will remain where they are, because the Curse income generated from them are used to pay for stuff needed by the development team and members of Exploding Creeper Group.

Maintainers like Misha, have write access to the original repos, and other people can contribute via PR's. From time to time I will check in and review/merge PR's and push releases where needed.

# When will you be back?

I am not sure, but probably only late 2023. I will still be around discord some weeks, but not always. Exploding creeper operations will be taken over by Rawr, one of the partners. He will be responsible for Tech support and keeping things running, alongside my wife who will take care of the financial aspects.

# This is not goodbye, but until we meet again

I am not fully leaving the modding community, but will be far less active that usual. I thank each and every one of you for your support, using my mods, and it was AWESOME meeting new people. I learned a lot from all of you, and hopefully, some of you learned something from me as well.

-- HypherionSA - Founder of First Dark Development